Created by Shaun Pellington under the name 'Shadow & Static' and part of the Rusty Quill Network: Wake Of Corrosion is a UK based audio drama set in a nightmare ridden, apocalyptic England. An unknown horror grips the country, forcing most of the remaining population into shelter. Tune into the broadcasts from Bunker A:12 and join Professor Ryan as he endeavours to find answers in the wreckage. The main show follows the story of two brothers who set out on an off-grid camping trip only to return to a world that is completely unlike the one they left behind. Alone, confused and desperate for answers they seek out refuge wherever they can and encounter all manner of untold horrors along the way. [Explicit content/Discretion advised - Full List Of Content Warnings

Seasons 1-3 are available now with Season 4 releasing Spring 2024




If you wish to support the show then join us on Patreon. We have various tiers with access to all sorts of exclusive extras, such as our Patreon only monthly minisodes - Letters To Shadows.

All of our supporters mean a great deal to us and help keep Wake Of Corrosion going. Not only do they helping towards paying our VAs and funding SFX subscriptions, but their support also means the show can thrive and develop in confidence!


[Warning: Spoilers ahead]

Written, edited and produced by Shaun Pellington


Main Show Voice Actors

Kieran Walsh as Professor Ryan

Shaun Pellington as Elliot

Lee Pellington as Roman

Brianne Leeson as Claire

Sally Walker-Taylor as Mia

Harlan Guthrie as Jim/Survivor

Lena Purtu as Niyah

Phil Jankovskis as George

Jess Syratt as Frankie


Music/Sound Effects
"Phantasm", "Shadowlands 5 - Antechamber"
Kevin MacLeod -
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
Both pieces are reduced from their originals with fade out effects/Character voice-over/Radio static SFX

Morse Code SFX: Courtesy of Stephen C. Phillips of

Other SFX: Self recorded or sourced from and


Cover Art
Main Cover Art: Original picture taken by Emily Fitzgerald
Editing by Logan Sawyer
Original 'Wake Of Corrosion' art text created by Matt Fair

Episode Art: Images captured and edited by Shaun Pellington


Patreon Exclusive 'Letters To Shadows' Credits

Part I - Shaun Pellington

Part II - Lee Pellington

Part III - Sanna Javed

Part IV - Tal Minear

Part V - W. Keith Tims

Part VI - Shaun Pellington

Part VII - Eli Labat-Angstadt

Part VIII - Leslie Rising

Part IX - Nath Barber

Part X - Andrea Richardson

Part XI - Voiced by Mark Nixon